41 W. College Avenue, Westerville, Ohio 43081
"For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out at the old ball game!"
Friends and members of the church are invited to go to a Columbus Clippers' game in Huntington Park in downtown Columbus. The Clippers are the top minor league team of the Cleveland Indians, so the baseball play is high quality and our fellowship together is priceless. This is a great outing for all ages and requires no athletic ability!
We purchase a block of tickets ahead of time so we can get a group
discount and our seats will be together. We pick up the tickets the day
before the game and distribute them at church on Sunday morning, the day
of the game.
Cost of reserved seats is $10 for adults, $8 for children.Gigi Elliot and Bob Place will will have information on exact prices later. Tickets will be purchased for those who have signed up In the Whie binder in the Gather Place and paid for ahead of time. Please sign up and pay for your tickets by Sunday, July 21st.
We will gather for the game at the Park on Neil Ave. For location and directions click >HERE<. Those who wish to car pool from church should be at the church and ready to leave by 12:00 noon.
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